
Saturday, November 21, 2009

Nov 21: Georgia on My Mind

The sun will be coming up in about a half hour and I’m more than ready. I doubt it got much below the mid-50s last night, but it was a damp, penetrating sort of chilliness. I’ve been making good time, Sapelo Island being just 12 miles ahead, so I’m going to continue on down the coast, perhaps as far as Jacksonville, Fl before taking a break. Unfortunately there are not a lot of great anchorages between here and Florida, and the few there are, call for motoring a long way up rivers and sounds, wasting all sorts of time and fuel. Assuming the autopilot continues in its current spirit of cooperation, I think I’ll stay out again tonight, heaving-to for a few hours if I get tired.

Since departing Charleston the winds have been out of the north or northeast, making for easy 5-knot sailing under genoa alone. It is supposed to veer toward the east today and be southerly by Tuesday, those southerlies being a large part of my motivation to press on while I have the wind on my side.

Just before sunset last night I saw a large shark fin pass down Alana’s side. I jumped to get a lure in the water, but I was either too late or he was not sufficiently intrigued by the lure. I’m not sure what I would have been able to do with such a fish, I suppose he would have just stripped all the line off my reel, but it would have been fun while it lasted.

I took about a dozen 15-minute naps last night and am feeling reasonably fresh this morning. I think that breakfast and a couple of more naps in the warm sunshine, which appears to be just around the corner, will set me up for another fine day of sailing. When not napping, I listened to a variety of classic rock right wing talk on Sirius, as well as a couple of literary tales ready by B. J. Harrison. I sipped coffee and hot chocolate, chewed jerky, messed with the sails and stared at the stars; were it 20 degrees warmer, it would have been perfect.

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