The wind and rain arrived during the night, necessitating a couple of forays out into the deluge to check on this and that. Alana rode her CQR anchor with its all-chain rode and I kept the Bruce at the short stay just in case. I figured there was less chance of a tangle that way, and the anchorage is sufficiently large that I was confident I could set the Bruce in plenty of time if the CQR dragged (it did not). I never noticed sustained winds over 31 knots, so other than the discomfort of getting wet on deck and damp below deck, things were not too bad. After being cooped up for a few days, I'm really looking forward to doing some sailing in nice fresh, warm, sunny air.
The rain stopped at sunrise, allowing me to get some cool, high-velocity air moving through the boat to freshen things up a little. Like yesterday, I expect most of today will be devoted to reading and snacking. I just started a book on the Japanese war crime trials.
We are supposed to get another batch of not-so-great weather tomorrow, nothing that would be unbearable at sea, but I am resisting the temptation to rush south too soon. It still looks like a Saturday departure will be the best plan.
have you lost weight, cap'n? looks like you could eat more...