
Thursday, September 24, 2009

Day 14: Finally, Chesapeake Bay

Cape Charles resembles Cape Horn physically, and right now it seems every bit as far away. I have given up on sailing, the winds being locked in exactly the wrong direction, and am now motoring toward Chesapeake Bay. I’m hoping to be safely off Newport News by midnight tonight. I’ll then sleep as long as I like before puttering down to Portsmouth to tie up at the marina.

Last night pasted uneventfully, the first half being glorious (clear skies, 1M+ stars, classic rock music, etc.) and the second being rather uncomfortable. Very heavy dew covered everything, defying even the chamois Mom gave me, and leaving every part of me very wet and clammy. I could barely get my boots off this morning.

I’ve been on the lookout, but so far have not seen much of a picture opportunity. A couple of pelicans were cruising along just above the masthead, but were apparently spooked when I moved below to get the camera. You’ll just have to make do with a picture of my foot.

I have no one to blame but myself, of course, but I’m quickly discovering that the key to successful cruising is the ability (patience) to wait until the weather is in one’s favor. I could easily have stayed another day or two at Breakwater Harbor, but allowed the prospect of getting Alana safely parked in Portsmouth to blur my judgment; I should have waited and just accepted the idea of a couple less days with Jessica.

Just dropped the hook in Lynnhaven Roads, just outside the Bay Bridge Tunnel. I had planned to make it well up into Hampton Roads tonight, but wimped out when I saw all of the inner harbor enveloped in a giant electrical storm. It is now time for a shower and bed; tomorrow’s details can resolve themselves in the morning.

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