The winds have remained stubbornly out of the south all day. A swing to the west has been in the forecast, but so far, no luck. I'm tacking down the coast, sailing about two miles for every mile I get closer to my destination. I have no doubt that the winds will eventually get better, and I figure that every mile I can bank between now and when they do, is a win for me. The Head and I laid down a trackline about 5 miles off the Delaware coast, but so far Alana has seen little of the trackline (other than to cross is again and again at nearly right angles).
In about an hour I'll be settling down for a warm dinner consisting of Beef Stroganoff, coffee and Mark Levin, followed by a long night of 15-minute naps. Hopefully I'll awaken from one of those naps to find the wind blowing steadily from the west.
I had planned to pull into one of the two navy marinas in the Norfolk area, but instead I've reserved a slip at the Tidewater Yacht Marina in Portsmouth, VA, for a month , starting Saturday, I'll be able to enjoy my trip to Jessica's more, knowing that Alana is not dragging anchor, plus it will spare Dad any unpleasant interaction with the navy folks. A slip will also make it easier for the Panda representative to come and go when he/she attempts to fix Alana's recalcitrant generator.
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