
Wednesday, May 26, 2010

I'm Alive!

I awoke this morning, so I can only assume that the jhadi cabbie did not behead me in my sleep. I did spend some uneasy moments before falling asleep, staring up at the open hatch above my bunk and waiting for a jambiya-wielding arm to reach down for my throat. Alana is again back in her favorite Jacksonville anchorage waiting for the weather to improve. There is virtually no wind at the moment, making things pretty hot and bug-friendly at the moment. Jacksonville is supposed to see 90 degrees today, but as we're anchored in a 77-degree river, we'll not see 90. It is now looking like Friday afternoon will produce the necessary steady winds. I'm more than ready to get going.

I met a couple of pretty cool dudes yesterday. They were delivering a 61-foot sport fisherman (down, Conor, down!) named Huntress to Hatteras, NC. They approached the marina as I sat in Alana's cockpit eating chicken wings. I assured them that fuel was available, but that nobody would be around unto 8 o'clock tomorrow, then granted them permission to tie up at the fuel dock overnight. I helped with their lines and was rewarded with a large quantity of Havana iced coffee, a product developed by the boat's owner. It packs a serious caffeine wallop, so it will be important to keep Barry out of it. I'd much rather deal with a drunken Barry than a hopped up Barry. They need to average 20 knots between here and Hatteras to meet their deadline, and given the sea state, I can only assume that Huntress is in for a beating. It must be cool to be able to just beat the crap out of a million-dollar boat.

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