What a great sailing day! Everything worked and the winds were exactly right. Tomorrow’s weather is forecast to be even more perfect, if that is possible, and I anticipate arriving in Key West late tomorrow afternoon.
I had planned to stop off Marathon, but came up a bit short. I would not have arrived at Marathon until around sunset, but as I had a overwhelming urge to swim in the warm, clear water, I stopped off of Grassy Key. I’ll just leave a little earlier in the morning to make up the difference.
Today’s sail down Hawk Channel could not have been simpler. Alana enjoyed a beam reach throughout, with winds hovering between 11 and 14 knots. I had all three sails trimmed at sunrise, and made no real changes before dropping the sails at this evening’s anchorage. Our speed varied within the rather narrow range of 5-6 knots, perfect. That is how it should be every day.
Flipper showed up to escort me to the anchorage, but was nowhere to be found once I jumped overboard. Anyone that had heard the stories of tourists being ravaged by randy dolphins will understand that this was probably a good thing. They are not always the happy-go-lucky, smiling creatures they are portrayed to be.
Dinner this evening will consist of a lentil, corn, rice and onion medley, something I hope will be both nutritious and tasty.
It was great until you commented on your lentil, corn, rice and onion medley. Do guys really talk about that stuff?